Tính năng mô-đun RTC PCF8563
PCF8563T là một mạch thời gian thực cung cấp chức năng ngày, tháng, năm và thời gian thực. Với pin được gắn trên bo mạch có khả năng làm việc độc lập ngay cả khi MCU ngừng hoạt động.
Mạch thời gian thực này có các chân kết nối hỗ trợ giao diện I2C, thuận tiện cho việc kết nối với MCU, có thể kết nối nhiều mô-đun trên I2C bus trong cùng một thời điểm. Mach hoạt động ổn định và chính xác hơn so với chip DS1302 hoặc DS1307.
Thông số kỹ thuật
- Chip: PCF8563
- Điện áp làm việc: 3,3V/5V
- Tần số xung nhịp tối đa: 400KHz
- Giao tiếp: I2C
Sơ đồ chân
PIN | Description |
INT | Interrupt output |
COT | Clock output |
VCC | 3.3V/5V |
GND | Ground |
SDA | I2C Data input |
SCL | I2C Clock pin |
Kết nối mô-đun RTC PCF8563 với Arduino
Bước 1: Kết nối mạch
PCF8563T | Arduino |
VCC | 3.3V/5V |
SDA | A4 |
SCL | A5 |
Bước 2: Cài đặt thư viện
- Mở Arduino IDE và chọn "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries...".
- Trong ô tìm kiếm, nhập "Rtc_Pcf8563".
- Chọn thư viện "Rtc_Pcf8563 by Joe Robertson" và nhấn nút "Install".
Bước 3: Code
Tải đoạn mã sau lên Arduino. Sau đó mở Serial Monitor.
src: https://www.akysu.com/2024/01/giao-tiep-module-rtc-pcf8563-voi-arduino.html
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Rtc_Pcf8563.h>
//init the real-time clock
Rtc_Pcf8563 rtc;
void setup()
//clear out all the registers
//set a time to start with.
//day, weekday, month, century, year
rtc.setDate(11, 2, 1, 20, 24);
//hr, min, sec
rtc.setTime(11, 12, 0);
void loop()
Serial.print("\t Date:");
Đầu ra như sau.
# Syntax Coloring Map For Rtc_Pcf8563
# Datatypes (KEYWORD1)
Rtc_Pcf8563 KEYWORD1
# Methods and Functions (KEYWORD2)
initClock KEYWORD2
clearStatus KEYWORD2
getDate KEYWORD2
setDate KEYWORD2
getTime KEYWORD2
setTime KEYWORD2
setAlarm KEYWORD2
clearAlarm KEYWORD2
getStatus1 KEYWORD2
getStatus2 KEYWORD2
getSecond KEYWORD2
getMinute KEYWORD2
getHour KEYWORD2
getWeekday KEYWORD2
getMonth KEYWORD2
getYear KEYWORD2
formatTime KEYWORD2
formatDate KEYWORD2
alarmEnabled KEYWORD2
alarmActive KEYWORD2
enableAlarm KEYWORD2
resetAlarm KEYWORD2
setSquareWave KEYWORD2
clearSquareWave KEYWORD2
getAlarmMinute KEYWORD2
getAlarmHour KEYWORD2
getAlarmDay KEYWORD2
getAlarmWeekday KEYWORD2
version KEYWORD2
# Constants (LITERAL1)
* External Real Time Clock support routines
* Joe Robertson, jmr
* orbitalair@gmail.com
* 1/2/10, init - built off of pic rtc code
* 1/2/10 ported to arduino compiler, jmr
* 2/14/10 added 3 world date formats, jmr
* 28/02/2012 A. Pasotti
* fixed a bug in RTCC_ALARM_AF,
* added a few (not really useful) methods
* 12/26/12 added version method to be able to track builds. jmr
* fix for arduino 1.0.1. Wire.
* Robodoc embedded documentation.
* http://www.xs4all.nl/~rfsber/Robo/robodoc.html
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Joe Robertson. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
#ifndef Rtc_Pcf8563_H
#define Rtc_Pcf8563_H
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define RTCC_VERSION "Pcf8563 v1.0.3"
/* the read and write values for pcf8563 rtcc */
/* these are adjusted for arduino */
#define RTCC_R 0xa3
#define RTCC_W 0xa2
#define RTCC_SEC 1
#define RTCC_MIN 2
#define RTCC_HR 3
#define RTCC_DAY 4
#define RTCC_WEEKDAY 5
#define RTCC_MONTH 6
#define RTCC_YEAR 7
#define RTCC_CENTURY 8
/* register addresses in the rtc */
#define RTCC_STAT1_ADDR 0x0
#define RTCC_STAT2_ADDR 0x01
#define RTCC_SEC_ADDR 0x02
#define RTCC_MIN_ADDR 0x03
#define RTCC_HR_ADDR 0x04
#define RTCC_DAY_ADDR 0x05
#define RTCC_WEEKDAY_ADDR 0x06
#define RTCC_MONTH_ADDR 0x07
#define RTCC_YEAR_ADDR 0x08
#define RTCC_ALRM_MIN_ADDR 0x09
#define RTCC_SQW_ADDR 0x0D
/* setting the alarm flag to 0 enables the alarm.
* set it to 1 to disable the alarm for that value.
#define RTCC_ALARM 0x80
#define RTCC_ALARM_AIE 0x02
#define RTCC_ALARM_AF 0x08 // 0x08 : not 0x04!!!!
/* optional val for no alarm setting */
#define RTCC_NO_ALARM 99
#define RTCC_CENTURY_MASK 0x80
/* date format flags */
#define RTCC_DATE_WORLD 0x01
#define RTCC_DATE_ASIA 0x02
#define RTCC_DATE_US 0x04
/* time format flags */
#define RTCC_TIME_HMS 0x01
#define RTCC_TIME_HM 0x02
/* square wave contants */
#define SQW_DISABLE B00000000
#define SQW_32KHZ B10000000
#define SQW_1024HZ B10000001
#define SQW_32HZ B10000010
#define SQW_1HZ B10000011
/* arduino class */
class Rtc_Pcf8563 {
void initClock(); /* zero out all values, disable all alarms */
void clearStatus(); /* set both status bytes to zero */
void getDate(); /* get date vals to local vars */
void setDate(byte day, byte weekday, byte month, byte century, byte year);
void getTime(); /* get time vars + 2 status bytes to local vars */
void getAlarm();
void setTime(byte sec, byte minute, byte hour);
byte readStatus2();
boolean alarmEnabled();
boolean alarmActive();
void enableAlarm(); /* activate alarm flag and interrupt */
void setAlarm(byte min, byte hour, byte day, byte weekday); /* set alarm vals, 99=ignore */
void clearAlarm(); /* clear alarm flag and interrupt */
void resetAlarm(); /* clear alarm flag but leave interrupt unchanged */
void setSquareWave(byte frequency);
void clearSquareWave();
byte getSecond();
byte getMinute();
byte getHour();
byte getDay();
byte getMonth();
byte getYear();
byte getWeekday();
byte getStatus1();
byte getStatus2();
byte getAlarmMinute();
byte getAlarmHour();
byte getAlarmDay();
byte getAlarmWeekday();
/*get a output string, these call getTime/getDate for latest vals */
char *formatTime(byte style=RTCC_TIME_HMS);
/* date supports 3 styles as listed in the wikipedia page about world date/time. */
char *formatDate(byte style=RTCC_DATE_US);
char *version();
/* methods */
byte decToBcd(byte value);
byte bcdToDec(byte value);
/* time variables */
byte hour;
byte minute;
byte sec;
byte day;
byte weekday;
byte month;
byte year;
/* alarm */
byte alarm_hour;
byte alarm_minute;
byte alarm_weekday;
byte alarm_day;
/* support */
byte status1;
byte status2;
byte century;
char strOut[9];
char strDate[11];
int Rtcc_Addr;
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