HC-SR501 Cảm Biến Chuyển Động PIR Với Arduino

Phần cứng cần thiết:


//define the pins
int Load = A1;
int PIR = A0;
int pirState = 2;
void setup() {
  //define the Relay pin as output
  pinMode(Load, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pirState, OUTPUT);
  //define the sensor pin as input
  pinMode(PIR, INPUT);
void loop() {
  //using the digitalRead function we will read the signal of the sensor
  int value = digitalRead(PIR);
  //if its high or if an any object is detected it will activate the Relay Module
  if (value == HIGH){
  Serial.println("Phat hien chuyen dong !!!");
  digitalWrite(pirState, HIGH); //For activating the Relay we will send a LOW as the Relay input pin works inversely.
  else {
    //digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pirState, LOW);
  Serial.println("Khong phat hien chuyen dong");
void coi_bao()
  digitalWrite(Load, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Load, LOW);
void bat_Den(){
  digitalWrite(Load, HIGH);
void tat_Den(){
  digitalWrite(Load, LOW);

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HC-SR501 cam bien chuyen dong pir, tlc47 truong cong ly, trương công lý

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